Friday, May 1, 2009


Here is what we will be using today:

Google Docs

Lonely Planet


Part 2 Example

Here is the example that I showed you in class that Oliver did for me:


Chile is a land of wonder and excitement, and it offers some of the most unique travel experiences in all of South America.


Like most of the Americas, if not all, Chile was originally inhabited by Native American Indians. Unlike most of the Americas however, CHile remained free of the three dominant Indian nations, the Aztecs, the Mayans, and the Incas. THe Incan Empire briefly stretched to Northern Chile, but were not able to establish a notable presence in the area. The Mapuche People where the original inhabitants of Chile, and fought very bravely against the Incas to hold on to the land and culture that was rightfully theirs.
The Spanish Conquistadores were influential in the history of all South America, Chile included. In 1520 Fernando Magellan was the first westerner to set eyes on Chile. it was however Fancisco Pizarros partner, Diego de Almergo, who is given the credit of conquering the land in 1537. Pedro de Valdivia, futhered the Spanish influence in Chile, when he noticed how rich and abundant the land was. Again the Mapuche provided much resistence to colonization and in an epic battle killed Valdivia. Unfortunately for them colonization was too far passed and the Spanish presence in CHile remained for 300 years.
In the Early 1800's Chile fought for its independence from Spain. It was not unlike the American battle for Independence in that not everyone in Chile wanted independence. In fact, the war for independence from Spain actually came from a civil war between Spanish supporters and those who desired to see Chile a free country. Chile won its formal independence when San Martín defeated the last large Spanish force on Chilean soil at the the Battle of Maipu on April 5, 1818. Chile is now a thriving democracy after many years of struggle under dictator Augosto Pinochet, who was cited for many Humans Rights violations. In recent years, Chiles economy has been booming thanks to its abundance of natural resources including minerals such as copper.

When first investigating the geography of Chile, the long slender shape makes for a diverse geographic identity. Boasting a huge coastline of 6,435 km it has a majority of coastal boarders, and Chile's land boarders total only 6,399 km. With the South Pacific Ocean on its west, it would only be fitting for the epic Andes Mountain Range to be on the east. The world's driest place on earth the Atacama desert is located to the north. The center of the nation has a Mediterranean feel. The south is home to many islands peninsulas and the world's most continually populated city, Punta Aries. The south also has many glacial activities.


Santiago- Santiago is the capital city of Chile and with a population of 7,005,112 in its metro area. Santiago is the economic center of the country and has been growing greatly in the last two decades. Santiago is a very easy city to travel due to its very advanced and modern public transit system, which includes a subway. Santiago has a fairly mild climate, rarely reaching above 35 degrees C and rarly below 13 degrees C ( 95 and 55 respectively). Because of its recent growth economically, Santiago has been attracting many immigrants from Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Argentina. Thus traveling to Santiago is a very good option in both the long or short term!ón,_Chile#Cultural_life
Concepcion- Concepcion is Chili's second most populated city with a population of 292,589. Conception serves as a cultural hub of Chile. It has a very proud heritage as the Mapuche natives still have quite a presence here. If you feel the earth shaking below you do not worry. Its is very common for light seismic activity in Concepcion, and may even be caused by the local rock musicians, many of which make it to a national stage. Concecion also was home to Chile's first private university, the Universidad de Concepcion.ón,_Chile#Cultural_life
Valparaiso- Is located in central Chile, and boasts a population of 263,499. Valparaiso is the political and cultural center of modern Chile and serves as meeting place for many important government meetings. Valparaiso also serves as Chile's most important seaport, and in fact on a world scale, because it is the first seaport between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. The port of Valparaíso is also an important hub for shipping of container freight, and exports of many products, including wine, copper and fresh fruit.


Chile has a varied cultural experience, as it is a complete mix of Western European and Indigenous heritages. Chile, along with Argentina, have held on to many of their Spanish cultural practices and customs. For example Chileans use both their maternal and paternal last names. One thing that seperates Chile is the use of the phrase "Don" to adress men of influence.
Chilean food also comes from a mix of indigenous and Spanish roots. Because it is a country almost entirely on a costal border, seafood is a constant staple of the Chilean diet. Also thanks to their Spanish roots, wine is a common supliment in dishes. Chilean cuisine of late has also embraced other European influences such as French and Italian.
Popular music in Chile remains traditional folk music.
Like all of the countries in Latin America, futbol is by far the sport of choice. It is however not the only option. Thanks to its abundance of mountains and ocean beachside, skiing and surfing are very popular reasons to visit Chile.

Exchange Rate
1 USD = 600.96 Chilean Peso

Tourist Sites

Easter Island- Easter Island is a special Chilean territory located in the Middle of the Pacific Ocean in the furthest corner of the Polynesian triangle. Easter Island is a special destination because of rare stone statues that are on the island. No one knows why or for what reasons they are there. The statues are called Moia's, and the biggest one is "Paro" and it weighs 82 tons. The statues all feature a similar facial based model and either show just the head or the head with the body. The beaches are quite scenic aswell.

Cape Horn- Cape Horn is the Southernmost point on the South American continent. Several factors combine to make the passage around Cape Horn one of the most hazardous shipping routes in the world: the geography of the passage south of the Horn; and the extreme southern latitude of the Horn. Strong winds kick up major tsunami waves, and icebergs are frequent making shipping a dangerous task. Until the Panama Canal was built in the 1900s, it was necessary to pass this way to get from Europe to the Western coast of America.

Andes Mountains- The Andes mountains are the second tallest mountian range in the world behind the mighty Himalaya Mountain range in Western China, India and Nepal. The highest point in all of Chile is Ojos de Solado at 22,608 feet.

Ojos de Solado- Ojos de Solado is the tallest volcano in the world. If you have the energy to make it up the 22608 feet to the top a view of the Andes mountain range will be your reward.

Vina Del Mar- Valparaíso's northern more affluent neighbor, is popular because of its beaches, casinos, and its annual song festival, which is the most important musical event in all of Latin America.

Travel Season- The best time to travel is during the Chilean Summer which runs from December to March.

Climate- The climate in Chile is very unique because of its Geographical shape. It is warm and dry in the north and bitter cold in the South. It is very comfortable in the summer months and cold during the winter.

Time Zone. Chile is one hour ahead of Washington D.C.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Project Questions

Remember if you have any questions about the project send me an email at or send me a message on my phone and we can meet. I will be in Langfang until next Wed. so hopefully we can meet sometime after my trip. 

Part 2- The Country


A. The history
    1. Give a 2-3 paragraph summary about the history of the country 
B. Popular cities to visit
    1. Make a list of 6 cities and tell about each one. 1 paragraph for each city
C. Culture
    1. Give a 2-3 paragraph summary about the culture of the country. Make sure to tell of any taboos in the country.  
D. Geography
    1. The country may have a variety of geography, so write 1 paragraph about all of it. 
E. Exchange Rate (U.S. Dollars) 
    1. Use the internet to find this information
F. Tourist sights
    1. Make a list of 10 or more tourist sights to see and tell about each one. 1 paragraph for each tourist attraction. 
G. Best time to travel
    1. When is the best time to travel to this country? 1 paragraph
    2. What is the weather like during the different seasons (summer, winter, fall, spring)? 1 paragraph
H. Time change
    1. What is the time difference between your country and Washington D.C? 1 sentence

Sunday, March 29, 2009

To my students

You are all Amazing! I have been reading through your company profiles and I love all of them. I even showed them to my bosses from America and they thought it was soooo good. Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing you this week in class. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Translation on the internet

So if you are having difficulty understanding a website that is all English you can always translate the text from the website to Chinese. Here is what you do: 

1. Highlight the text from the page that you want to translate
2. Press Ctrl + C on the computer to copy the text 
3. Go to and press Ctrl + V to paste the text into the box
4. Click below that you want to translate from English to Chinese
5. You did it!

If that was too much to understand just go to and type in the words you want to translate and then click the English to Chinese option/ Chinese to English option. Ok that is all for now, I hope this helps. 

Company Profile Example

Since your company profile is to be turned in next week I thought I would show you an example of what I am looking for. 

Company Profile

Company Name: I Hate Tourists

Slogan: "People will be asking you for directions"

In the year 1980 a young man named Christopher Hankins decided to move his family from America to Chile. Chris had always had a love for traveling and when he finished college he decided to leave the country for many years. He had learned how to speak Spanish in his four years in college so he decided to go to South America where many people speak this beautiful language. While he was there he met a woman named Beth from America who had the same love for Spanish and traveling. He married her six months later and then one year later they gave birth to a boy. They continued to live in Chile for 12 more years and during this time they fell in love with the culture. The one thing that they did not like were the tourists who would always bother them and asked them how to find different attractions. After having a third child they decided it was time to move back to America to show their families the children. While in America Chris and Beth had the wonderful idea to start a Chile travel company from Houston, Texas. They knew all about Chile after living there for so many years. The main thing they wanted their travel company to do was educate people to go to Chile and not look like tourists. So because of this great passion against tourists they named the company, "I Hate Tourists." In 2004 the company was passed down to their children Taylor, Lauren, and Brooke. The company works with many Spanish speaking countries now and people can travel to Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Peru, and Spain. 

There are currently four full time employees working at "I Hate Tourists." Taylor is the President and head of advertising, Ashley (Taylor's Fiance) is in charge of creating itineraries and the finances, Lauren (sister) is the vice-president and in charge of all art related material, and Brooke (sister) is the receptionist and in charge of the events and educational seminars. 

The main office is located in Houston, Texas. 

The company offers many services which include all inclusive packages, itineraries for up to one month of travel, country brochures, car rental, airplane tickets, hotel booking, and educational courses. The educational courses include "Oral Spanish" "Country History" "How to plan a budget vacation" and "How to look like a local." 

Deadlines for the project

Part 1- The Company (week 4)
Thursday Class- March 26
Friday Class- March 27 

Part 2- The Country (week 8)
Thursday Class- April 23
Friday Class- April 24

Part 3- The Itinerary (week 13)
Thursday Class- May 28
Friday Class- May 29

Part 4- The Brochure/ Final presentation (week 16)
Thursday class- June 18
Friday class- June 19

Project Information

"Create your own Travel Company"

Group Members: 


The purpose of this project is to research a country and learn more about it's history, culture, and tourism. The project will be turned into Taylor in four parts. Each month a different part will be due. The final project will be a presentation of all four parts. The final presentation will take place during the final week of classes. This will be your final exam grade and will be worth 35% of your entire grade. 

Part 1- The Company (20%)
A. What is the name of the company? Make sure to create an original name that has special meaning to the other members of the group. 
B. What is the slogan for the company? This will be the tool for attracting customers to your travel company. 
C. Create a company profile. The company profile tells information about the company. It should be given to me in paragraph form. Your company profile should include: 
                1. The story for how the company started
                2. The number of employees working 
                3. Location
                4. Services offered
D. A good idea would be to look at other travel companies on the internet to see what services they provide and what kinds of all-inclusive packages they offer. 

Part 2- The Country (20%)
A. The history
    1. Give a 2-3 paragraph summary about the history of the country 
B. Popular cities to visit
    1. Make a list of 6 cities and tell about each one. 1 paragraph for each city
C. Culture
    1. Give a 2-3 paragraph summary about the culture of the country. Make sure to tell of any taboos in the country.  
D. Geography
    1. The country may have a variety of geography, so write 1 paragraph about all of it. 
E. Exchange Rate (U.S. Dollars) 
    1. Use the internet to find this information
F. Tourist sights
    1. Make a list of 10 or more tourist sights to see and tell about each one. 1 paragraph for each tourist attraction. 
G. Best time to travel
    1. When is the best time to travel to this country? 1 paragraph
    2. What is the weather like during the different seasons (summer, winter, fall, spring)? 1 paragraph
H. Time change
    1. What is the time difference between your country and Washington D.C? 1 sentence

Part 3- The Itinerary (20%)
A. There is a married couple who wants to work with your business and they want to travel for one week. They will leave on Saturday and arrive back to America on Sunday of the next week. The easiest thing to do would be to research the cost for one person and then multiply that by 2. So, 2 days of traveling to the country and 7 days of events. In the itinerary you need to include places to visit, meals during the day, cost per day. The budget for the entire journey including airport travel is 6,000 U.S.D. Pretend that you will be planning the trip for 2009. The airport you will leave is called Dulles International Airport in Washington D.C. 
B. Itinerary Example (4 days)
Saturday- January 10 Travel
       11pm- leave Washington D.C. 
Sunday- January 11 Travel
       10:05am- arrive in London, England
       9:30pm- leave London, England
Monday- January 12 Arrive in Thailand!
        3:40pm- arrive in Bangkok, Thailand
        5pm- check into Windsor Suites Hotel 
        5:30pm- eat dinner
        7pm- sleep/ free time 
Tuesday- January 13 Nature Day
        7am- wake up
        7:30am- breakfast 
        8:30am- Chao Phya River and Canals 
Part 4- The Brochure (20%)
A. Small- you can use one sheet of paper
B. Pictures- print them out and put them on the paper
C. Creative
D. Include the company name, slogan, website, country information, travel packages offered

Resources (20%)
A. You will need to create one page to give to Taylor at the final class of the resources that you used for your research. This can include websites, books, magazines, DVDs. Anything that you use to find information you need to write it down. 

B. The best source to find information will be the internet: 
        1. - a place to find all information, search for "travel guides" or "Thailand" 
        2. - a place to find pictures 
        3. - a travel guide website 
        4. - contains information about many things
        5. - search for international airplane tickets 
        5. Taylor's website- I am going to put information to help you onto my blog.      

Final Presentation
A. For the final presentation you will present all four parts to Taylor
B. Make sure to bring a poster of your country with colorful photos (10 yuan)
C. Bring a picture of your company name and slogan/ logo
D. Bring brochure 
E. Everyone needs to talk 

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Useful Links

Here are some websites that you can use for your research: 

Search website, you can find everything here!

Find beautiful pictures of your country here

You can find information about your country (history, culture, geography, cities, everything!)

A good travel guide website

The place to search for airplane tickets and prices 

Tourism "Travel Company" Project

Hello students! 

Hopefully you will be using this website to find useful information and websites dealing with your project. I will make sure to change this website constantly so you can find information on how to improve your English too! I hope that I can also put many pictures of you as well for everyone around the world to see!