Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Project Information

"Create your own Travel Company"

Group Members: 


The purpose of this project is to research a country and learn more about it's history, culture, and tourism. The project will be turned into Taylor in four parts. Each month a different part will be due. The final project will be a presentation of all four parts. The final presentation will take place during the final week of classes. This will be your final exam grade and will be worth 35% of your entire grade. 

Part 1- The Company (20%)
A. What is the name of the company? Make sure to create an original name that has special meaning to the other members of the group. 
B. What is the slogan for the company? This will be the tool for attracting customers to your travel company. 
C. Create a company profile. The company profile tells information about the company. It should be given to me in paragraph form. Your company profile should include: 
                1. The story for how the company started
                2. The number of employees working 
                3. Location
                4. Services offered
D. A good idea would be to look at other travel companies on the internet to see what services they provide and what kinds of all-inclusive packages they offer. 

Part 2- The Country (20%)
A. The history
    1. Give a 2-3 paragraph summary about the history of the country 
B. Popular cities to visit
    1. Make a list of 6 cities and tell about each one. 1 paragraph for each city
C. Culture
    1. Give a 2-3 paragraph summary about the culture of the country. Make sure to tell of any taboos in the country.  
D. Geography
    1. The country may have a variety of geography, so write 1 paragraph about all of it. 
E. Exchange Rate (U.S. Dollars) 
    1. Use the internet to find this information
F. Tourist sights
    1. Make a list of 10 or more tourist sights to see and tell about each one. 1 paragraph for each tourist attraction. 
G. Best time to travel
    1. When is the best time to travel to this country? 1 paragraph
    2. What is the weather like during the different seasons (summer, winter, fall, spring)? 1 paragraph
H. Time change
    1. What is the time difference between your country and Washington D.C? 1 sentence

Part 3- The Itinerary (20%)
A. There is a married couple who wants to work with your business and they want to travel for one week. They will leave on Saturday and arrive back to America on Sunday of the next week. The easiest thing to do would be to research the cost for one person and then multiply that by 2. So, 2 days of traveling to the country and 7 days of events. In the itinerary you need to include places to visit, meals during the day, cost per day. The budget for the entire journey including airport travel is 6,000 U.S.D. Pretend that you will be planning the trip for 2009. The airport you will leave is called Dulles International Airport in Washington D.C. 
B. Itinerary Example (4 days)
Saturday- January 10 Travel
       11pm- leave Washington D.C. 
Sunday- January 11 Travel
       10:05am- arrive in London, England
       9:30pm- leave London, England
Monday- January 12 Arrive in Thailand!
        3:40pm- arrive in Bangkok, Thailand
        5pm- check into Windsor Suites Hotel 
        5:30pm- eat dinner
        7pm- sleep/ free time 
Tuesday- January 13 Nature Day
        7am- wake up
        7:30am- breakfast 
        8:30am- Chao Phya River and Canals 
Part 4- The Brochure (20%)
A. Small- you can use one sheet of paper
B. Pictures- print them out and put them on the paper
C. Creative
D. Include the company name, slogan, website, country information, travel packages offered

Resources (20%)
A. You will need to create one page to give to Taylor at the final class of the resources that you used for your research. This can include websites, books, magazines, DVDs. Anything that you use to find information you need to write it down. 

B. The best source to find information will be the internet: 
        1. - a place to find all information, search for "travel guides" or "Thailand" 
        2. - a place to find pictures 
        3. - a travel guide website 
        4. - contains information about many things
        5. - search for international airplane tickets 
        5. Taylor's website- I am going to put information to help you onto my blog.      

Final Presentation
A. For the final presentation you will present all four parts to Taylor
B. Make sure to bring a poster of your country with colorful photos (10 yuan)
C. Bring a picture of your company name and slogan/ logo
D. Bring brochure 
E. Everyone needs to talk 

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